found a bug, when talking to the innkeeper when he asks you to build a bridge, both options being unbreakable vow and agree without conditions, either option will will loop back to him asking what can possibly convince him to agree, cannot continue further
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SMUTTY SCROLLS 💜 Gimotika Update (18+) comments · Replied to Dezue in SMUTTY SCROLLS 💜 Gimotika Update (18+) comments
Mira Co Rescue [0.5.2a - WIP] - NSFW comments · Posted in Mira Co Rescue [0.5.2a - WIP] - NSFW comments
I discovered a bug, during the intro, everything after leaving your bedroom that's interactable or just has dialogue to it will shoot through all the dialogue instantly, I have yet to figure out where it will stop doing this. I just found out that before talking to the girl who is restocking stuff, if you go to the dinner plate at the bottom of the room it will stop dialogue from skipping, I don't know why.